
I’ve donned many hats, but here are some favourites.

What can I be for you?

I’m currently taking on freelance work as a

Who have I worked with?

You’ll find a full list on my LinkedIn, but some of my favourites have been: NHS, Hatchards & Waterstones, Lloyds Banking Group, University of Oxford, LSE, London Film School, Human Rights Watch, Fashion & Textile Children’s Trust, Mayor of London’s office, and a bunch of charities and creative agencies.

I trust what you write and think will work best. I always think I have nothing to say, but then we talk and I realise I do. I really enjoy the process. The fact you pepper conversation with industry knowledge you’ve researched helps and works so much. I’ve done this before with other people and, usually, you need to go back a few steps to explain things — but you make sure you’re already at that point.” — Amy Still, Founder & CEO of Whisk in 2024

How am I any different?

There are tonnes of talented writers out there. Why work with me? What makes my experience of life and work unique, therefore better-suited to that specific thing you need doing?

Who else could you work with?

Do you like coffee & cake?

If you’d like to work together, send details of what needs doing across to and let’s chat, in person or remotely — I’m open to big & small clients, across all sectors.