I’ve donned many hats, but here are some favourites.
- led vaccination comms for a busy NHS Trust during the COVID-19 pandemic
- injected empathy into Lloyds Banking Group’s letter-writing process
- increased average monthly event income of the UK’s oldest bookshop from £1k to more than £10k
- created & produced an online film festival that directly affected an increase in film school applications during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
- played a central part as a senior account manager and content writer for an award-winning agency
What can I be for you?
I’m currently taking on freelance work as a
- copywriter,
- proofreader & editor,
- and content planner & writer.
Who have I worked with?
You’ll find a full list on my LinkedIn, but some of my favourites have been: NHS, Hatchards & Waterstones, Lloyds Banking Group, University of Oxford, LSE, London Film School, Human Rights Watch, Fashion & Textile Children’s Trust, Mayor of London’s office, and a bunch of charities and creative agencies.
“I trust what you write and think will work best. I always think I have nothing to say, but then we talk and I realise I do. I really enjoy the process. The fact you pepper conversation with industry knowledge you’ve researched helps and works so much. I’ve done this before with other people and, usually, you need to go back a few steps to explain things — but you make sure you’re already at that point.” — Amy Still, Founder & CEO of Whisk in 2024
How am I any different?
There are tonnes of talented writers out there. Why work with me? What makes my experience of life and work unique, therefore better-suited to that specific thing you need doing?
- Daily practice. Whether we work together or not (though I hope we do), I write every day. It’s what I do to make sense of complex things, both at home and in work. I journal, plot short stories, and pitch article ideas to a broad spectrum of cultural publications — sometimes, I get published.
- Neurodivergent. To champion my late diagnosis of ADHD, aged 30, what my brain has isn’t a ‘deficit’ in attention, rather the urge & ability to fixate & hyperfocus on singular things, as well as spot connections and opportunities others may not. Through struggling to create structure since a young age, I now crave it: clear, achievable goals to support a fine-tuned strategy. To get that hyper-fixation going, it requires, above all else, things that are interesting — so, it’s in our nature to create interesting things.
- Empathy. I have a distinct ability to identify the audience I’m trying to reach, but also to understand their unique place in the world so that the message might reach them in a more appropriate place and form. So much so, I joined the UK’s largest retail bank on a twice-extended contract as an empathy communications consultant.
- Creative heart with big business skills. I’ve produced intimate author readings, and won over rooms of senior stakeholders. I know how to put out immediate fires, without sacrificing the bigger picture.
Who else could you work with?
- Vanessa. Experienced designer and all-round creative.
Do you like coffee & cake?
If you’d like to work together, send details of what needs doing across to and let’s chat, in person or remotely — I’m open to big & small clients, across all sectors.